Zhineng Qigong practitioners recognize our collective intention to improve our lives and help others to do the same. When we consciously create a qi field together, united heart to heart, mind to mind, we connect with each other through time and space, to Dr. Pang and to the universe. We support each other and our communities by sharing information, promoting classes, encouraging home, group, and online practice. Here is a current list of Zhineng Qigong and other energy work classes/teachers in the New York area. Please contact me if you, or anyone you know, would like to add to this list.
Zhineng Qigong is also called Medical Qigong, Wisdom Healing Qigong and Chilel.
In addition to my class information (see Locations and Calendar pages) the following teachers offer classes in NYC -
Erdan - Medical Qigong, Bioenergy Healing - offering online and outdoor classes - email : puresourcenergyhealing@gmail.com phone - 917 517 1917
Taganyahu Swaby - Yang Qigong, Lineage Cheng Man Ching - Yoga Tribe Brooklyn - 1120 Washington Ave., 2nd Fl, Bklyn, NY - info@yogatribebrooklyn.com
Rick Barrett - Taijiquan, Baguazhan, Luoxuanzhang - classes, events - Staten Island, Manhattan and beyond 917 854 9445 www.taichialchemy.com